Недавний контент flyd2020 | BLB - Big little Business

Недавний контент flyd2020

  1. F

    Гайд по авторегистрации 26.12.2020

    Hi my telesoft cant auto registration within 2 month already, i dont know what is going wrong, telesoft cant receive activate sms from sms-activate.au and dint make change any settings, previously its work very well. please help me to find out the issue, thank you very much.
  2. F

    Рассылка секретных сообщений

  3. F

    Рассылка секретных сообщений

    Hi, brothers and sisters, i have trouble when i try to forward/secret msg. I have try more then 50 proxy, but the results is same, running program more then 30 minutes and no workiing. I hope here will have a great one can help me, thanks.