Результаты поиска | BLB - Big little Business

Результаты поиска

  1. S

    Ребрендинг, новое название Telegram GODS

    亲爱的朋友们,我们终于发布了你们期待已久的全球更新。 我们一直在日以继夜地努力工作,为您带来我们软件的最佳体验和享受。 我们从头开始重建了我们的软件,修复了许多旧的错误,现在我们已经达到了一个新的水平。与此相关,我们还想宣布Telegram GODS的品牌重塑和新名称,因为我们希望我们的客户在Telegram中拥有一个精英地位。你们每一个人都将得到最先进、最通用的界面,拥有我们可以想象的最多的功能。这个项目在市场上是顶级的№1,没有类似的项目。 你会在其中找到安装程序 更新时间:10.07.2021 🔹在单一副本中工作的多人 🔹能够在注册时添加你的国家和运营商...
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    Ребрендинг, новое название Telegram GODS

    Dear friends, here at last came the global update that you've been waiting so long. The team in full at work, working hard for you, we worked day and night to make you most comfortable to work and get "buzz" from using our program. We rebuilt our software from scratch, fixing a lot of old...
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    Продажа аккаунтов TG 🚀PAKETA🚀__ACCOUNT_elite✅ ◄ под Telegram-soft☺️ ✅🔴✅САМЫЙ СТАРЫЙ МАГАЗИН+БОЛЬШЕ ВСЕГО ОТЗЫВОВ✅🔴✅

    Акки хорошие. Сотрудничаем давно. Выживают 2-3 круга. Аккаунты подходят для смс и для инвайта!
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    Лимиты аккаунтов Telegram

    Good day and pleasant acquaintance Friends, due to the fact that people often ask questions about accounts and their capabilities, we decided to write an article about TG limits, in addition to the well-known limits like the maximum number of channels/chats on the account, there will also be...
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    Как самому создать Js редирект за 10 минут

    Today we will talk about how to create a js redirect with your own hands, without using hosting. We will try to follow the steps to clarify this point as much as possible. Why do I need a js redirect? Hiding the output gateway, and therefore make it possible to send any number of messages to a...
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    Будущее проекта Telegram soft

    Friends, I would like to create a separate branch where we could share with you our development plans, thoughts and ideas for software. At the time of writing, 10.09.2019, plans for the development of the next update are as follows - Transfer the remaining elements from the console cheat...
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    Наборы аватаров

    Friends, part of our team is not engaged in the development of the main project, working on a project that can be used in different directions of spam. One of these will be a program for uploading and working out avatars, at the moment the project is in a deep testing stage, but we would like to...
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    Меры предосторожности для спамеров

    Friends, today I would like to write a small recommendation for those who work with spam in Telegram to save their accounts, data and unintentional bans. And so let's go 👨 🚀 - List of mandatory precautions - Do not mention your username in newsletters (this is a sure way to ban) Don't...
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    Аккаунты за слова

    Friends, the blb.team project, together with Telegram soft, decided to arrange a cool promotion for you. As was the case with the old promotion with reviews, the prizes will be accounts. And so we begin. You all know that we try to write good and high-quality material for you, create...
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    Модули Telegram soft

    What are modules, why do they need them, why are they paid for?!? I will give you an answer to all these questions in this topic, the modules are an application to our main software product Telegram soft, they are currently represented by 2 software solutions that are integrated into the main...
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    Почему появляется ожидание в 400-600 секунд во время рассылки в личные сообщения

    Starting around May 2019, Telegram launches a new feature, delays between messages. And not just a simple one, but only among new users, and even those who send messages with a link. So when you see such notifications from Telegram soft, it's not us that messed up, it's telegram that restricts...
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    Socket error и другие ошибки подключения

    The socket error 0x05, socket error 0x06, socket error 0x02, and so on occur due to a proxy connection error, since the program cannot get a response to the sent command through the proxy stream, usually this problem has 3 reasons Proxies are no longer valid Your device uses a VPN, ProxyFire...
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    Рандомизация текста в Telegram soft

    Telegram software uses a system of partial or complete randomization of the text, it looks like this You write a text, let's say - {Hello|Hello|Greetings} {friend / friend}, {how are you | how are you}? And you get the following options Hi, buddy, how are you? Hello, my friend,how are you...
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    App hash app id Официальных клиентов

    After a long time of collecting access to official telegram clients, we decided to publish pairs belonging to telegram apps published in the Play market, app store, and so on) We hope this will help you increase your registration volume (Note, the article will mainly show the settings-App hash...
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    Что такое app hash/app id Telegram

    app hash/app id Telegram is an analog of login/password from some VK for authorization, but not the user himself, but the whole application. Why the need for app_id and api_hash: To access the Client API you need to make the app on my.telegram.org -> Development Tools. app_id and api_hash are...
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    Что такое аккаунт телеграмм?

    I would like to tell you briefly what a telegram account is, how to register it, and how a telegram account differs from a VK account or other service we are familiar with. First, let's remember what access to your account looks like in any other social network, no matter Twitter, instagram, or...
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    121 пара App hash/app id telegram бесплатно

    By popular request, we upload a build of 121 pairs from telegram apps (both official and not) We are not responsible for the current integrity of the pair, for the lack of restrictions on it. The kit was personally assembled by the Telegram soft team and made available for public access.
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    Чем отличается API регистрация в телеграмм от прямой

    Friends, in this article we would like to give a little explanation about the different principles of registration in Telegram. And so let's start with " Direct registration" This is the registration of Telegram accounts carried out through regular mobile / desktop clients, through manual...
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    Уникализатор изображений на базе API

    Unify the specified image in the number of variations you specify The unique by changing the size Through the addition of pixels Using color correction Automatically fill in the photo hosting and give you a direct link to the images (links are issued line by line, so it's enough to copy and...
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    Бесплатно Бот модератор для чатов Telegram от blb.team бесплатно

    Free chat bot script for users of our forum What can the script do? Deleting system messages Greeting (with the ability to output rules) Customizing rules for yourself Goodbye when leaving the chat Deleting links