Братья и сестры, решил открыть топик, ибо уже видно, что сообщество развивается семимильными шагами, и явно многие хотят или уже работают на иностранных рынках. Давайте поделимся своими способами продвижения и вашими фишками, наверняка каждому есть, что сказать. К тому же я уверен, что многие иностранцы захотят поделиться особенностями продвижения в своем сегменте интернета.
Brothers and sisters, I decided to open a topic, because it is already clear that the community is developing with leaps and bounds, and clearly many people want or already work in foreign markets. Let's share your promotion methods and your chips, for sure everyone has something to say. In addition, I am sure that many foreigners will want to share the features of promotion in their segment of the Internet.
Спасибо всем за участие!
Brothers and sisters, I decided to open a topic, because it is already clear that the community is developing with leaps and bounds, and clearly many people want or already work in foreign markets. Let's share your promotion methods and your chips, for sure everyone has something to say. In addition, I am sure that many foreigners will want to share the features of promotion in their segment of the Internet.
Спасибо всем за участие!