Instruction - Telegram id invites - how to use them | BLB - Big little Business

Instruction Telegram id invites - how to use them

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Команда форума
5 Июл 2019
1 423

Today we are going to talk about the function - Invite by id, it can be found here:


And let's get straight to the settings:


Database - a database collected before the invite with the audience you are interested in.
Invite Group - This is the group where users from the donor group will be invited.
Invite at a time - This is how many people you choose to invite per request (I recommend setting 5 or 7).
Maximum per account - This is how many people each account should invite in total (maximum 50).
Random Delay - The timing that the programme will wait between requests (one invitation at a time).
Max wait time - The item that will be triggered in case of PeerFlood error from telegram (it is better to set it to 600).
Leave main group - this is leaving the group when the work is finished
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