TG Account Checker (Python) - FREE | BLB - Big little Business

TG Account Checker (Python) - FREE


Telegram Enum After Checking.png

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Python Script | Help you to parse and use your logs to check for valid telegram profiles
# to reuse them again and enumerate all the accounts to know more about each account.
# Coded By | Coded by @Satanv2 |
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# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To use the script:

- Script tested on Windows & Linux and worked fine.
- Script written to be used by python3
- Install the requirements > pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run the tool > python3 -p "Enter Here The Logs Path"
- Give the tool the path for your logs and it will start doing the job.
- Valid accounts will be saved in a folder called "Valid Accounts" in the same folder of the tool.
- Valid accounts will be enumerated to get more info about each valid account found like:
- Name.
- User ID.
- Username.
- Phone Number.
- Premium.
- Verified.
- Channels.
- Groups.
- Bots.
- Admin Permissions on any channel or group.
- Full Statistics.