Variables or how to make each post unique in 1 function | BLB - Big little Business

Variables or how to make each post unique in 1 function


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Spam and the development of anti-spam systems do not stand still. In this article you will learn how to make each message sent to the user was unique, what opportunities for humanisation and personalisation of messages it carries and much more. Let's get started!

What variables are present in Telegram soft markup?

%FIRST_NAME% - name
%LAST_NAME% - last name
%USERNAME% - username.
How can they be used?

Example message:

Hi %FIRST_NAME%, how are you doing? I saw your nickname %USERNAME%, I think you might be interested in reading about -.

(about me not having the imagination to come up with better text, sorry :cautious:).

Here's what it would look like:


Thus, using variables in the text allows you to create unique messages that look more natural and human-like. Telegram strictly regulates the process of text randomisation, but statistics show that the use of variables significantly increases the survival rate of a link in a newsletter. Thanks to this, repetitive phrases in the text of the newsletter will simply not be present.

It is important to note that the use of variables is not a universal solution, and it is impossible to completely abandon traditional randomisation. However, variables can reduce the frequency of randomisation and increase conversion rates through personal contact with the recipients of the newsletter.

When using mailing by number, if there is no login, the %USERNAME% variable will be replaced with a space.

What's your experience with variables in Telegram Expert? Tell us about it in the comments! Thank you for reading to the end.
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