Telegram account limits | BLB - Big little Business

Telegram account limits


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Good afternoon and have a nice read.
Friends, due to the fact that often ask questions about accounts and their capabilities, we decided to write an article about the limits of TG, in addition to the well-known limits like the maximum number of channels / chats on the account will also be given limits related to mailing, inviting, checking and so on.

As for the well-known limits:

● Maximum number of channels an account can be subscribed to - 500.
● Subscription to groups - max 200 pcs
● Account name - max 256 characters
● Account last name - max 256 characters
● Information about yourself - max 70 characters
● Create a public channel - max 8 pcs
● Create a bot via @BotFather - max 20 pieces (Timeouts between creation are possible)
● Username/channel/bot name Username - max 32 characters.
● Maximum number of written messages per hour - 2000 (Attention, we mean messages to both public/private chats and private, not to be confused with the limit of sending messages to private, these limits will be described below).
These are the basic limits, this does not include the extensive list of stickers, message sizes, telegraff article sizes and so on, as they are not necessary when dealing with spam and invites.

As for profile limits (mailing lists and so on).

● Minimum timeout for stable sending messages to new contacts - 3 days (Ru, Ukr, Kaz numbers, except for registration on iphone there are other rules).
● The maximum number of messages in person from the account, new contacts by logins / numbers - 50
● Maximum number of invites from the account - 50
● Maximum number of numbers in the check in one package - 1440 (then gives fludvayt for 5-10 minutes)
● Maximum number of numbers in the check from the account - 20000
● Parsing of groups from 10000 people can be freely performed by an account with 1 month of time off.
● Limit of channels/groups to join in a row - 5 (after you get floodwait for 5-10 minutes, with each subsequent subscription term grows).